Christian Education Program 2019-2020
Woodfield is re starting our Christian Education program on September 8th, 2018, from 10:00 to 10:45 am. For both the children and for adults (leader High Priest John Nichols).
For the children we will be having an multi age inter-generational class that is being taught by Pastor Ron Rowbottom with volunteer helpers.
The multi age inter-generational material is designed by a professional Christian education materials company here in Canada and follows the common lectionary so that the bible stories, activities and learning will coincide with the scriptures and theme being used at the 11:00 am worship service.
This material will allow for consistent bible-based lessons and Pastor Ron can adapt to add and emphasize specifics of Community of Christ theology and beliefs.
The material is designed for a class of 5 to 12-year-old students.
We will be looking for a volunteer to teach a pre-school class for those below the age of 5.
All our volunteers involved in the Christian education program have taken the youth worker training and are “Registered Youth Workers” under Community of Christ.
The Vision:
Seasons of the Spirit provides faith communities with resources that empower all ages to be transformed in Christ as they:
Explore meaning and mystery in the bible
Celebrate in worship, sacraments, education, and service
Engage in ministries of love, justice, and witness
Live in inclusive communities of faith shaped and led by the Holy Spirit
Seasons of the Spirit……
Is an ecumenical lectionary-based resource
Follows the seasons of the church year
Integrates the ministries of Christian education, worship and service
Offers ritual and resources that nurture the imaginative spirit
Is created by an international team of writers and editors through a community development process
Is used by faith communities around the world from Australia to North America to the United Kingdom
What is the lectionary?
The Revised Common Lectionary (1992) is based on a three-year cycle of Bible readings, arranged to include foundational stories in a schedule following the cycle of the church year.
• four readings for each Sunday: two from the Hebrew Scriptures (one being a Psalm) and two from the New Testament (a gospel reading and a reading from an epistle/letter)
• each year focuses on one of the first three gospels: Year A – Matthew, Year B – Mark, and Year C – Luke
What are the seasons and colours of the church year?
The journey through the church year follows a path begun 1500 years ago, focusing on the life of Christ.
• Season of Advent: (4 weeks); exploring readings about the promised Messiah and God’s realm; purple or blue, symbolizing hope and anticipation
• Season of Christmas: (12 days); celebrating Jesus’ birth and the visit of the magi; white or gold, symbolizing light and gift
• Season after the Epiphany: (length varies); called “Ordinary Time”; exploring stories of call and Jesus’ ministry; green, symbolizing growth
• Season of Lent: (40 days, not counting Sundays); focusing on Jesus’ life and stories of covenant and prophecy; purple, symbolizing penitence; ends with Palm/Passion Sunday (colour: red) and Holy Week
• Season of Easter: (50 days); celebrating Christ’s resurrection and the witness of the disciples; white or gold, symbolizing joy and holiness; ends with Pentecost Sunday (colour: red), celebrating the birth of the church
• Season after Pentecost: (about half the year); also called “Ordinary time”; exploring stories of faith ancestors, Jesus’ teachings, and the witness of the early church; green, symbolizing growth and renewal
• Season of Creation: (four Sundays in September); uses its own set of readings which correspond to the three-year cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary and invite congregations to “celebrate Earth as a sacred planet filled with God’s vibrant presence”
Woodfield is re starting our Christian Education program on September 8th, 2018, from 10:00 to 10:45 am. For both the children and for adults (leader High Priest John Nichols).
For the children we will be having an multi age inter-generational class that is being taught by Pastor Ron Rowbottom with volunteer helpers.
The multi age inter-generational material is designed by a professional Christian education materials company here in Canada and follows the common lectionary so that the bible stories, activities and learning will coincide with the scriptures and theme being used at the 11:00 am worship service.
This material will allow for consistent bible-based lessons and Pastor Ron can adapt to add and emphasize specifics of Community of Christ theology and beliefs.
The material is designed for a class of 5 to 12-year-old students.
We will be looking for a volunteer to teach a pre-school class for those below the age of 5.
All our volunteers involved in the Christian education program have taken the youth worker training and are “Registered Youth Workers” under Community of Christ.
The Vision:
Seasons of the Spirit provides faith communities with resources that empower all ages to be transformed in Christ as they:
Explore meaning and mystery in the bible
Celebrate in worship, sacraments, education, and service
Engage in ministries of love, justice, and witness
Live in inclusive communities of faith shaped and led by the Holy Spirit
Seasons of the Spirit……
Is an ecumenical lectionary-based resource
Follows the seasons of the church year
Integrates the ministries of Christian education, worship and service
Offers ritual and resources that nurture the imaginative spirit
Is created by an international team of writers and editors through a community development process
Is used by faith communities around the world from Australia to North America to the United Kingdom
What is the lectionary?
The Revised Common Lectionary (1992) is based on a three-year cycle of Bible readings, arranged to include foundational stories in a schedule following the cycle of the church year.
• four readings for each Sunday: two from the Hebrew Scriptures (one being a Psalm) and two from the New Testament (a gospel reading and a reading from an epistle/letter)
• each year focuses on one of the first three gospels: Year A – Matthew, Year B – Mark, and Year C – Luke
What are the seasons and colours of the church year?
The journey through the church year follows a path begun 1500 years ago, focusing on the life of Christ.
• Season of Advent: (4 weeks); exploring readings about the promised Messiah and God’s realm; purple or blue, symbolizing hope and anticipation
• Season of Christmas: (12 days); celebrating Jesus’ birth and the visit of the magi; white or gold, symbolizing light and gift
• Season after the Epiphany: (length varies); called “Ordinary Time”; exploring stories of call and Jesus’ ministry; green, symbolizing growth
• Season of Lent: (40 days, not counting Sundays); focusing on Jesus’ life and stories of covenant and prophecy; purple, symbolizing penitence; ends with Palm/Passion Sunday (colour: red) and Holy Week
• Season of Easter: (50 days); celebrating Christ’s resurrection and the witness of the disciples; white or gold, symbolizing joy and holiness; ends with Pentecost Sunday (colour: red), celebrating the birth of the church
• Season after Pentecost: (about half the year); also called “Ordinary time”; exploring stories of faith ancestors, Jesus’ teachings, and the witness of the early church; green, symbolizing growth and renewal
• Season of Creation: (four Sundays in September); uses its own set of readings which correspond to the three-year cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary and invite congregations to “celebrate Earth as a sacred planet filled with God’s vibrant presence”